Monday, July 20, 2009

Things Aren't Always the Way They Seem

Now, I had promised to start blogging when I left Hong Kong. But the way things have been going, I've received a few wrenches in my plans.

My VISA for Pakistan never came in, I applied for it with enough time, but Islamabad sat on the application-- neither approving nor rejecting it but ignoring it. It's been a bit frustrating, and I'm a little downtrodden about the whole ordeal, but I know everything will work out "for good for those who love Him", as I was reminded today while making arrangments to head back to the United States.

For the last two and a half years, I hadn't considered America to be my home, however, in writing this -- each time I mention traveling back -- the idea of home pops into my mind. Perhaps, it is because family will be there (whom I haven't seen in a year), or perhaps I'll be living in a place with a population density of 233 people per square mile (total population = 5, 929) as opposed to Hong Kong 16,452 people per square mile (3rd highest population density in the world with a total population of over 7,000,000 citizens).

Things weren't the way I wanted it to be, but I've learned valuable life lessons, enjoyed the first two years of my adult career here- post University Graduation, and I've met many new people.

Why didn't things work out? I'll never know for certain, but there was another plan for my life. Perhaps, it was just my willingness to go that was what mattered. In the last two weeks, I've been tested more than perhaps the last two years. Too many mountains and valley's to count it has seemed. But now is not the time to become slack. I'm still currently in the application for Jordan, working with Adult Refugees. And, I have a confirmation with Thailand... whenever I'm ready to go, I just need to submit my resume, and I'm there.

As Keena Thrush has reminded me, I need to keep going and pressing on. I won't lie, it has been an incredible struggle the past two weeks, in remembering there is joy in sorrow; yet, I am comforted in knowing there is One who constantly looks over me. I've also been comforted by a musical selection thanks to my friend David Best -- complete with uplifting music... its the gospel songs that have warmed my heart the most.

But don't worry my friends, just because I won't be in Pakistan, doesn't mean I won't be able to accomplish my lifelong goal of kissing a camel (actually, that's more of a month-long goal). And even if Jordan doesn't work out either, there will be another place for me.

-- Greg Out!

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